Press releases

Press releases

The Governance Lab at NYU Tandon Announces the Launch of the Multi-City Challenge Program


The Governance Lab (The GovLab) at New York University Tandon School of Engineering announced the re-launch of the Multi-City Challenge program, an effort to help cities and their residents collaboratively design solutions to urgent public problems. The initiative, supported by the Tinker Foundation, and in collaboration with Consejo Nuevo León, The Trust for the Americas, and the Municipality of San Pedro Garza García, seeks to build on the success of The GovLab’s City Challenges program, by expanding the program to run in five Mexican cities simultaneously in order to take advantage of the collective intelligence of a broader network of citizens to solve urban challenges.

Estados Unidos - Mexico

The Trust for the Americas and the OAS presented the 2019 Corporate Citizen of the Americas Award in Washington, D.C.


The 13th edition of the CCA recognizes three organizations committed to supporting long-term capacity-building, policies, and attitudes that benefit migrants as well as receiving communities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Canada - Antigua & Barbuda - Argentina - Belize - Brasil - Chile - Estados Unidos - Colombia - Costa Rica - Ecuador - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Jamaica - Mexico - Nicaragua - Panamá - Perú - Puerto Rico - República Dominicana - St. Kits & Nevis - St. Lucia - St. Vincent & Granadinas - Venezuela

The Trust for the Americas, The Mico University College and N.C.B. Foundation sign agreement of understanding to announce the launch of the Entrepreneurship and Skills for Tomorrow Innovation Lab


Kingston, Jamaica (11/20/2019) With the aim of fostering economic empowerment through stimulating innovation and providing training in skills for tomorrow and entrepreneurship, N.C.B. Foundation, Mico University College and The Trust for the Americas sign a memorandum of understanding to design and implement the first year of an Entrepreneurship and Skills for Tomorrow Innovation Lab, in order to improve access to quality educational opportunities for Jamaican youth.


EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Project: “Transformation to an Open Public Administration in Belize”


The Trust for the Americas, a non-profit organization affiliated to the Organization of American States (OAS) that promotes partnerships for social and economic inclusion of vulnerable communities in Latin America and the Caribbean, is seeking to fill two part-time consultancy positions for the local implementation of the project “Transformation to an Open Public Administration in Belize”, funded by the US Embassy in Belmopan.


AES Dominican Foundation and The Trust for the Americas boost entrepreneurs from Boca Chica, Guayacanes y Quisqueya


Dominican Republic - The AES Dominican Foundation and The Trust for the Americas, an entity affiliated with the Organization of American States (OAS), will develop the Project “Empowering Innovative Entrepreneurship” for the creation and strengthening of entrepreneurship for local development in the municipalities of Boca Chica, Guayacanes and Quisqueya. The initiative will train 30 entrepreneurs in each of the selected municipalities, taking into account those who have a specific business idea or have an ongoing entrepreneurship and wish to strengthen it.

República Dominicana

The Trust for the Americas, Microsoft & Innovacien, will hold the second POETA YouthSpark Regional Meeting in Chile.


Santiago, Chile (07/10/2019) - As part of the POETA (Partnership for Economic Opportunities through Technology in the Americas) YouthSpark Project, The Trust for the Americas — an organization affiliated with the Organization of American States — Microsoft, and Innovacien will host the second POETA YouthSpark Regional Meeting to discuss the challenges and good practices carried out by Local Partners in each country in the educational training of young people — particularly women — as well as in the creation of work spaces for these young people.


Bogota's Local Government recognizes The Trust for the Americas for its project 'Peace Labs'


Bogotá, Colombia (07/10/2019) - The Trust for the Americas received recognition for its outstanding work as an ally in the international cooperation agreement called Peace Laboratories Project. This initiative, implemented in 2018 together with the High Council for the Rights of Victims, Peace and Reconciliation of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá; Its purpose was to promote creative processes for reconciliation, as well as to strengthen and develop capacities for the construction of peace in the territories of Bogotá prioritized for intervention within the framework of the district's peace strategy. The event took place in the Renaissance park last Friday, October 4.


The Trust for the Americas presents posters at the opening of the Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit


Washington, DC. - The Trust for the Americas, for the second year in a row, is sharing best practices of two of its most successful projects at the annual Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit (GYEO) which convenes more than 550 technical experts from 60+ countries committed to advancing the social and economic well-being of young people globally. This year the GYEO Summit took place on the Silver Spring Civic Center in Washington DC, on October 2-4, 2019.

Estados Unidos

Convocatoria - Fondo de financiamiento para proyectos de Gobierno Abierto y Datos Abiertos en Panamá


Esta convocatoria esta dirigida a impulsar iniciativas de organizaciones panameñas (medios de comunicación, organizaciones y colectivos sin fines de lucro, sector académico y sector empresarial) que presenten propuestas en alianza con algún ente de gobierno vinculadas al fomento de la colaboración entre sociedad civil y el gobierno para proveer soluciones innovadoras y de alto impacto a necesidades identificadas en conjunto, que demuestren concretamente los beneficios y oportunidades que representa la apertura gubernamental y el uso de datos públicos.


En el marco del Proyecto POETA YouthSpark, ADASEC, Microsoft y The Trust for the Americas se unen para ofrecer un espacio de aprendizaje a través del Conversatorio “Tecnologías para un Mejor Futuro”


República Dominicana (20/09/2019)— En el marco del proyecto POETA YouthSpark, el próximo viernes 20 de septiembre se realizará una jornada de Aprendizaje e Intercambio de ideas, denominada “Tecnología para un mejor futuro”. Esta actividad, es dirigida y patrocinada por Microsoft República Dominicana y se realizará en el Palacio Bellas Artes, en Bonao.

República Dominicana

Press Kits

DIA Brand Book


Institutional Presentation